“walkin’ on rainbows” by Marcus Ten Low

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As well as being born at a very young age (aren’t we all?!)…apparently I was named after a street sign. My parents noticed the street name “Marcus Clarke Street” which was close to the hospital where I was born, in the city of Canberra, Australia, and decided that “Marcus” was a good name for me.

In my mid 40s, I still regard myself as young and I am still enthusiastic about living life. As much as I like children I will never have any, because I believe in minimalism, which is a system of thought based on ecological considerations.

When I was a kid, I enjoyed imitating Peter Cundall, an Australian gardening enthusiast and television presenter (he passed away in 2021). It’s still a great idea to grow your own fruit and vegetables, as Peter himself would recommend! so healthy, right?

During my time I have written some interesting books for children, including a series entitled Funny Poems For Everyone! and other chapbooks like The Code Book and Internet, Eh?_, all of which you can find in the National Library of Australia catalogue. In my poems I like to write about bizarre people, pizza, gardens, weird moments in time, and many other things. You can view some of my best poetry at mlexa68.wixsite.com/marc. I do hope you will visit. See you soon! 🙂

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