Short-listed Australian Children’s Poet

Very good news is that Australian poet, Kate O’Neil (see A to Z of poets), is on the short-list for the prestigious Manchester Writing for Children Prize. You can read about Kate and see who her competition is on the following site:

Kate is the only Australian represented on the short-list. We wish her the very best of luck to take out a prize!

5 thoughts on “Short-listed Australian Children’s Poet

  1. Pingback: Weekly updates | Australian Children's Poetry

    • Thanks Wendy, I thought a competition which resulted in an anthology was a great idea. So delighted to actually have poems in it. AND to meet my children’s poetry hero, Carol Ann Duffy. My students have performed several of her poems in the past – and with great results. The judges’ comments suggest that there’ll be lots of variety in this new book. Look out, students… Kate.

  2. Thanks Pat,
    Short-listed poets are asked to read something from the Anthology at the awards event. I’m choosing “Aussie content” – a poem about kids climbing up to Sublime Point – since I’m likely to be the only person there with an Aussie voice. Maybe I’ll strike a blow for Wollongong Tourism. D/K.

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