Teena Raffa-Mulligan

Teena Raffa-Mulligan’s publications range from poems and stories to picture books and a novel. Her first picture book – a stranger danger tale in rhyme – was endorsed by the WA education and police departments and used widely in schools around the country following its release in 1982. Teena’s poems for children have been published in anthologies and magazines, including Countdown, Orbit, Blast Off, Touchdown, Contagious and Little Ears. She shares her excitement about books and writing by presenting author talks and workshops, encouraging participants of all ages to have fun playing with words.

Visit Teena’s website at www.teenaraffamulligan.com  or email teenawriter@gmail.com for further information.

Celebrate Large for Teena Raffa-Mulligan's bioTHE VISITOR

I touched down from Pluto at a quarter to three.

Just called for a visit and afternoon tea.

I’d heard that the scones with jam and fresh cream

were simply delicious, a taste treat supreme.

But no sooner did I step through my ship door

than the welcoming crowd gave out a great roar.

“A monster!” they howled as if with one voice,

and I shuddered to hear such a terrible noise,

and choked on the dust they raised as they ran

till no one was left there, not even one man.

I looked around, but I couldn’t see

a monster at all – they must have meant me.

I sighed as I turned and went back to my ship.

I’d expected to have such a very nice trip.

I switched on the gizmo, set my course by the stars:

perhaps my reception would be better on Mars.

 © Teena Raffa-Mulligan

 Let's Jabberwocky Not formatted correctly


Contrary Mary from Down’s Dairy

got to be the Christmas fairy.

I heard Tom tossed her and her wand

right into the goldfish pond.



And silly Sally from the deli

ate so much red raspberry jelly,

chocolate, turkey, cake, ice cream,

I’m not surprised she burst a seam.


Skinny Minnie tore her pinny,

stuck the donkey’s tail on Timmy.

Poor old cat shrieked something shocking,

tried to climb Aunt Martha’s stocking.


Uncle Terry came by ferry,

drank the punch and was so merry,

danced a jig without his clothes –

shocked Aunt Martha, I suppose.


Then Wanda’s Rhonda from down yonder

took a ride on Harry’s Honda,

ended up in Cooper’s Creek,

cried as if she’d sprung a leak.


And Jace the Ace won all the races

till John tied his sneaker laces.

All the goings on at that party

were certainly a sight to see


and everyone had fun but me

‘cos all I saw was our TV,

and all I got was chicken pox –

lots and lots and lots of spots.

© Teena Raffa-Mulligan

Moving marvel

I can

Banana bend

Licorice twist

Jelly wibble wobble.

See me

Caterpillar creep

Snake slither

Deer dash and dart.

I am

Rock steady

Tree tall

River rush and flow.

Love this

Body mine

Body strong

This moving marvel.

© Teena Raffa-Mulligan


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