Scrooge’s Valentine’s Day by James Aitchison

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I should have sent some flowers,

I should have sent a card,

but then I got so busy

and it was all too hard!

So I cut some nice red roses

at next door’s in the dark,

and added lots of other things

growing in the park.

It made a lovely gift

and didn’t cost a cent.

Isn’t it the thought that counts

and not how much I spent?

One thought on “Scrooge’s Valentine’s Day by James Aitchison

  1. Well done, James. Love (excuse the pun) the sentiment and the rhythm and rhyme of the “Scrooge’s Valentine Day” poem. Thank you for your regular contributions that make me smile. Meryn Clune, Gnowangerup and Dumbleyung, WA.

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