Scrooge’s Valentine’s Day by James Aitchison

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I should have sent some flowers,

I should have sent a card,

but then I got so busy

and it was all too hard!

So I cut some nice red roses

at next door’s in the dark,

and added lots of other things

growing in the park.

It made a lovely gift

and didn’t cost a cent.

Isn’t it the thought that counts

and not how much I spent?

February means Lunar New Year and Valentine’s Day

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February 14th is Valentine’s Day. Do you celebrate? Do you have a special Valentine? Or do you think love should be celebrated every day?! It’s also Lunar New Year and this is the Year of the Dragon! When we lived in Vietnam, Lunar New Year or Tet, was such a colourful, noisy and joyous time. What are your experiences of Tet? Send in your poems about Lunar New Year, dragons, love, valentines and any other celebrations in the month of February to

Heart photo from Pexels and Dragon photo by Nam Le. Used with permission.