Poem of the Day


A Scorpion’s Search

A scorpion christened Cruella, left home to search for a fella.

She sifted through sand and she searched under slate.

She peered under pebbles to look for a mate.

She reached under rocks and she gazed at the ground

but a masculine mini beast couldn’t be found.


Cruella, poor creature, was filled with despair.

There had to be someone who loved her out there.

But wait! She heard rustling and spotted the cause.

From a burrow appeared some spectacular claws.


They belonged to a sumptuous scorpion male.

What glorious eyes, and that sting in his tail!

It was love at first sight for Cruella and friend,

Which is how satisfactory quests all should end.

Pat Simmons
  • Submitted in response to Poetry Prompt #42
