A Very Funny Animal by Norah Colvin


It isn’t quite a beaver, though it has a beaver’s tail,

A freshwater-living mammal, much smaller than a whale.

It’s something like an otter with body dressed in fur.

Its bill and feet are duck-like but it has a poisonous spur.

It burrows into riverbanks to lay its eggs therein.

It swims around in waters while having not one fin.

If you come across it, I urge you not to scream.

It wouldn’t ever harm you. It’s just a monotreme.

Its name can be quite tricky, but you’ll learn it without fuss.

So try:

               Or –

                      Or – nith – or


You might call it the platypus.

23 thoughts on “A Very Funny Animal by Norah Colvin

  1. Pingback: Make time for Poetry in August, Poetry Month – #readilearn | Norah Colvin

  2. Norah,
    That poem is awesome, as is the author who took on the platypus as a poetic subject. I can understand why it was a poem of the day. Nice rhythm and rhyme (perfect for children) and so much information imparted at the same time.

    As an encore, how about the wombat as a subject. Some day I WILL see one fur-real!

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